Types of Schedule - Groups/Leagues

25/11/17 12:14 AM Comment(s) By Keith Sammons

In this series we look at different types of schedules that can be used either for the whole team racing event or for a particular stage. Other formats for events where competitors enter as a team are:
  • Full Round Robins
  • Groups/Leagues
  • HLS
  • Swiss League
  • Knockouts


What is it?
  • Teams are allocated to leagues and they sail all other teams in their league a set number of times (usually once).
How does it work?
  • A ranking of teams is determined using the rules described in the Racing Rules of Sailing – specifically: D4.
When is it used at an event?
  • Used as a first round for events where teams can be seeded. For example at a 16 team event where the top 4 teams are known, the format could involve 2 leagues of 8, with 2 of the top ranked teams in each league.
  • Used as a second round for events where a ranking round can allocate teams to leagues e.g. the top 4 teams from each initial league go into a gold league, or the top 8 from an HLS.
What is good about it?
  • When used as a first round, provides an initial ranking to break into a second round very quickly.
  • When used as a second round, provides close racing by grouping teams of similar ability.
What is bad about it?
  • If used as a first round, it can be difficult to seed teams before the event, especially if a number of the teams are unknown.
  • If used as a first round and the event is incomplete, it is difficult to break ties across leagues.
  • A fixed number of races have to be completed before the stage can count, which leads to results having to be ‘thrown away’ if the stage has to be curtailed.
Where can I see it used in practice?
  • Used for the first two rounds at events such as UK National Team Racing Championships.
  • Used as a second round at university events such as the Oxford Magnum & Cam Cup.
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