Hints and Upgrades 6 - Tiller UJ's

19/03/18 10:30 PM Comment(s) By Keith Sammons

Where ever possible, try and be consistent with your Tiller UJ’s across your fleet. This means you can quickly and easily replace a tiller extension without worrying about whether the UJ will fit.

Consider a UJ as a consumable item; make sure you carry spares and know how to replace them. Some people replace a whole tiller extension rather than just replacing the UJ. If possible, have a few spare tiller extensions available so that when a UJ does break you can easily swap the tiller extension (knowing that the UJ will fit!).

If you are regularly running events, it is often sensible to use the RWO Omniflex UJ which has a rope core. This means that when the UJ breaks the boat can continue sailing and therefore minimises the need for resails. They are about three times the price of the standard Allen Brothers UJ that would have been supplied with the boats.

The two options for the Allen UJs are those with square bases or oval bases. The Allen UJ’s are priced such that to replace a whole flight of boats with the same UJ’s is no more expensive than replacing a single tiller extension.

kSail stock a good range of Allen and RWO UJ’s.

Universal Joints

Universal Joint - Allen Brothers
Universal Joint - RWO Omniflex Race
Universal Joint - RWO Omniflex Standard
Universal Joint - Allen Brothers (Oval)
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